Package-level declarations


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sealed class AttributeValue

BusinessObjectTypes are instantiated as BusinessObjects. Each BusinessObjectType has Attributes, instantiated as AttributeValues in BusinessObjects.

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data class BusinessObject(val type: BusinessObjectType, val id: Long, val state: State, val properties: Set<Property> = emptySet(), val masters: MutableMap<String, BusinessObject> = mutableMapOf()) : JsonSerializable
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data class Event(val type: EventType, val eventId: Long, val objectId: Long, val properties: Set<Property> = emptySet(), val masterRefs: Map<String, Long> = emptyMap()) : JsonSerializable

Events are instances of EventTypes.

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class EventHandler(val model: Model, val eventStore: EventStore, val objectStore: BusinessObjectStore)
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open class InstanceError(msg: String? = null) : MerodeError
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data class Property(val attribute: Attribute, val value: AttributeValue)

Represents the value of an Attribute in a BusinessObject.

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class PropertyNotFoundError(attributeName: String, businessObjectTypeName: String) : InstanceError
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class PropertyTypeError(propertyName: String, expectedType: String, actualType: String) : InstanceError
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class ValueTypeError(msg: String? = null) : InstanceError