Business Object
data class BusinessObject(val type: BusinessObjectType, val id: Long, val state: State, val properties: Set<Property> = emptySet(), val masters: MutableMap<String, BusinessObject> = mutableMapOf()) : JsonSerializable
BusinessObjects are instances of BusinessObjectTypes.
The BusinessObjectType of this BusinessObject.
The unique ID of this BusinessObject.
The current State of this BusinessObject.
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constructor(type: BusinessObjectType, id: Long, state: State, properties: Set<Property> = emptySet(), masters: MutableMap<String, BusinessObject> = mutableMapOf())
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suspend fun handleEvent(objectStore: BusinessObjectStore, event: Event): EitherNel<EventHandlingError, BusinessObject>
This method applies an Event to this BusinessObject, potentially changing its state and properties. The new state is derived by using the type's StateMachine to determine the next State for the state and Event.type. The new property values are updated if they are provided in the map. Otherwise, the old values are kept.
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