Package-level declarations
Represents an Attribute of a BusinessObjectType.
This error occurs when trying to access an Attribute that does not exist in a BusinessObjectType.
Represents a BusinessObjectType in the Merode Model.
Represents an EventType in a Merode Model. These types can be instantiated as Events. The Events can be applied to BusinessObjects of the EventType.ownerType using the BusinessObject.handleEvent method.
Represents a Merode Model.
Represents errors in the Model domain, not in its instantiation.
Represents a State in a StateMachine.
Represents a StateMachine that defines the lifecycle of a BusinessObjectType. A state machine is defined by a set of States and Transitions between them. Using the nextState method, the next State of the StateMachine can be retrieved for a given State and EventType. This is the way BusinessObjects evolve through their lifecycle.
Represents a Transition in a StateMachine.