Object Factory
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the mxp package.
An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically construct new instances of the Java representation for XML content. The Java representation of XML content can consist of schema derived interfaces and classes representing the binding of schema type definitions, element declarations and model groups. Factory methods for each of these are provided in this class.
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Datatype
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Datatypes
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Dependencylabels
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Dependencyumllabel
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Edgecontrolpoint
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Edgecontrolpoints
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Edgview
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Fsmview
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiacquiredmethod
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiacquiredmethods
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guidependencies
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guidependency
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Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guievent
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guievents
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guifsm
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guifsms
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiinheritance
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiinheritances
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiinheritedmethod
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiinheritedmethods
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Create an instance of Guimodel
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiobject
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiobjects
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Create an instance of Guiownedmethod
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guiownedmethods
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guispecialisedmethod
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guispecialisedmethods
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guistate
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guistates
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guitransition
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Guitransitions
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Mermaidmodel
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metaattribute
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metaattributes
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Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metadependencies
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metadependency
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metadependencyinpath
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Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metaevent
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metaevents
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metafsm
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metafsms
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metainheritance
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metainheritances
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metamethod
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metamethods
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metamodel
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of MetaMPCkind
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metamultiplepropagationconstraint
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metamultiplepropagationconstraints
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metaobject
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metaobjects
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metapath
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Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metaspecialisedevent
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metaspecialisedevents
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metastate
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metastates
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metatransition
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metatransitionmethod
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metatransitionmethods
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Metatransitions
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Oetevent
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Oetevents
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Oetobject
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Oetobjects
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of Oetview
Link copied to clipboard
Create an instance of View